Chairman’s Foreword

DCHL Group Chairman
Mr. Kim Huynh and spouse, Ms. Mary Lim
Dear Partners
Welcome to DCHL – You are just a step away from embarking on this exciting new career with a prestigious and reputable Network Marketing Company.
In this new millennium, more and more people are concerned about health and well-being. DCHL upholds the vision of establishing a Global Aromatherapy Kingdom and takes a proactive role in providing a better quality of life. Our established and premium products address such needs and as a Distributor, you become our partner in helping others improving the quality of their lives.
As our Distributor, you are assured a steady and continuously-improving platform to craft your career with us. From a sound marketing plan, commitment to training and upgrading, right to initiatives such as Estebel spa services and e-commerce that will boost overall operations; DCHL remains a leader in the industry. Exciting plans are waiting to happen that will expand our foothold on the global arena!
A partnership with DCHL becomes effective upon receipt and approval of your Distributor Application Form, and your signature on the Contract. Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us.
We believe your career as our Distributor will be rewarding. Your achievement is in your own hands, as we trust that individual rewards commensurate with the efforts and abilities of every Distributor. We assure you that the Company and your sponsor will be committed to your success.
Kim Huynh
Chairman, D.C.H.L.